Hi guys,
The weather here in Brussels is beyond words.. it’s so grey outside, no light, raining and this cold wind.. I hate it ! It makes the wait until my vacay so long and difficult to cope with.
Even so, I have a new outfit post to share with you today. It’s true that I did the pics some days ago, when at least it was dry and we had like 2% sun lol.
Anyway, here is the look. Super cool for the season, might I add. 🙂
I wanted to share with you the sweater that I’m wearing underneath as well. As it was super cold, I couldn’t remove my coat for some more precise pics, but I hope you can see it’s super cute !

What I wore:
– Zara bag
Indeed, the new Gambettes box is available ! 🙂
I really love seing what new trends they have instored each month !
Hope you like the look, sweeties!
I’ll be back tomorrow with a new one for sure.