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Put your records on

Hello everyone !

How are you ?! Excited for the holidays ?

I know that this year will be different and I know that, for a lot of people, this year will be very difficult ... either emotionally or financially or even both..

I try to see the bright side of things and I must say that, even though there wasn't any pandemic back when I was little, I still celebrated Christmas regardless of me being all alone or being broke. Christmas is all about enjoying what little we have, celebrating the birth of Christ and if possible, being around loved ones. I would definitely define Christmas exactly like that . :)

Meanwhile, I have a new #ootd post that I know you'll love - the thing is that this month I was extremely busy with work that I haven't had much time to dedicate for my blog.. but hey, there is always January, when I'll be less busy ( hopefully).

So, without further ado, here you have today's #outfitpost








What I wore:

- Shein blouse

- Botkier bag

- Kendall + Kylie boots

I hope you like this look and I know, I have been wearing a lot of tweed lately, but I can't help it! I like it too much :)



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