Hello everyone,
And Happy Monday ! Yey! A new week has started and if you’re feeling down on Mondays, then you should definitely think of changing your job ! Would you rather have a 9 to 5 job that doesn’t bring you any satisfaction or doing a job that you are passionate about? Still haven’t found your passion yet? It’s OK ! There is still time, but you should keep on searching and keep on being positive in your life 🙂
Anyway, enough of the pep-talk ! I’m back with a brand new outfit post, one that you probably saw on my Instagram – follow me there while you’re at it 😉
And yes, I have quite the seasonal look today since it’s back to Belgian weather.. long coats and cozy sweaters brrr.. but who said cold can’t be chic? I’m wearing my super chic Fracomina cape-coat that I find A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! 😉 – scroll down for outfit extras xo

What I wore:
NA-KD shoes
Allsaints sweater dress underneath
Thank you so much for visiting the blog ! I guess that I’ll never let go of it no matter how much the platforms change… 🙂 and I’m happy to see you always coming back to it xo