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Summer ahead?

Oh wow!

I can now see that time has certainly flown by since March and I was only thinking these last weeks that I haven't uploaded anything on the blog for quite some time, but I wouldn't have imagined that two months passed by.

Quite frankly, I had even more projects these past months ( which is good, cause more income ), but I did have my family over for Easter and even then I had some urgent work.


-new client ! MINI ❤️-

Nevertheless, I did think several times about updating the blog a bit, but today I finally managed to open the window and start writing.

The good news is that I have been signed for another year with several of my former brands that I have been working with, I managed to have my content featured by so many important pages and not to mention, starting this month I'm an official LB insider, on Luxury Brussels, with my very own column.



-yes, my content got featured on the Bentley official IG page!-

I would have never imagined myself that in 13 years ( ever since I started blogging), that I would be where I am today. I'm extremely grateful that all that hard work paid out, that what started as a coping mechanism of my then situation turn into this full time job, into this life that I would have just dream about .. so, again, I'm super grateful for all of this and I do hope that I'll do even more in the years to come.

I have such a busy month ahead, but I still wanted to pass by and share with you the most important events that resonated since March.

On another hand, I want to share a few outfits that I really liked, outfits that I created for C&A ( with whom I'm continuing my adventure this season again)





And we are still waiting for summer here in Belgium, it quite seems that the rain is stuck over here. Let's stay positive for next week ;)

Thank you for tuning in and I hope that I can be more active here in the coming days ..



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