Hi guys,
How are you this amazing day?
It’s actually the first time writing from the iPad an actual blogpost. I don’t think I’ve done that before and I’m definitely liking the idea of not having to take my laptop with me each time, so let’s see how it’s gonna look at the end 🙂
I have a cool look to share with you today – a simple chic look, with a feminine vibe . As the weather was very horrible lately, it has been quite the challenge for me to shot outfits, so I focused more on writing about my travel in Namibia, which was actually good, but I still miss doing some awesome OOTDs as you are used to.
This look is very easy to recreate and I think it’s gonna suit a lot of you ladies !
I have mixed my Sacha Shoes boots ( yes, they have a lot of women shoes to choose from) in snake print with this feminine dress in dusty pink from SheIn. I played a bit with pink and beige as I feel they go quite well together. You can always scroll down if you want to know what I’m wearing ! 🙂

What I wore:
– ASOS bag
Don’t forget to use my coupon for SheIn – byruxandraQ1 for 10% off any order above 19€ and 15% off any order above 49€ !
Happy shopping and I’m gonna wish you also Happy Valentine’s Day for those of you who are celebrating 🙂
Thank you for stopping by and see you next time 😉 !