Good morning ladies& gents,
I just can’t believe that Friday is here. Time flies when you have so much to do…but I think that what I’m doing is quite constructive and plus, I’m doing it with passion and dedication so in a way, I don’t really feel that I’m working. The biggest plus is that, under normal circumstances, I sleep quite well. Doing what you like helps your life improve actually. It’s true, maybe the financial part isn’t that compensative, but at least I don’t hate my job.
And my “job” for today is to deliver yet another outfit post. Since it’s Friday, what better look would fit this day than a “going-out” one?

What I wore:
La Donna clutch
I really hope you like this look. I feel it’s so perfect for going out on a Friday evening for a date or just to a club… it’s been such a long time since I did both..