Hello sweeties,
Oh, I had the worse day… It began with my internet problem as I wanted to switch to Scarlet like about a month ago and finally today I had my appointment with them. After waiting until 3pm, we decided to call them, see if they’re coming or not. But big surprise, they cannot do their part of the contract cause apparently there are some “technical” issues that I still don’t exactly know cause it was too difficult to explain that to me, the “simple minded” 😤 – don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame the whole company, just the imbeciles who don’t know how to do their job. So yeah, when choosing an Internet company here in Belgium, just be sure to avoid them … waited a month and with no result at all.
Anyway, that’s a short resume of my day…other shitty things happen, but I just want to breathe in deep and share with you an awesome look that I totally love! I’m wearing a full Chicwish look (besides the shoes and bag), but I think the baroque lace grey frill hem skirt is just everything ! The top is something I had from awhile now 🙂

What I wore:
– Chicwish top ( find some more here)
– Chicwish skirt (find it here)
– Asos white shoes
– Forever21 clutch
Hope you like the look guys! I’m going to take a long bath to calm my nerves now…
Thank you for visiting and see you tomorrow 🙂 !