Hi everyone,
I hope all is well and that the New Year has started off great for each and every one of you !
2020 was a difficult year for everyone I believe, maybe for some more than for others, so I thank God on a daily basis that I have managed to get through quite good. It was challenging: I had to really fight through it all... especially for my new home that wasn't that easy to get and of course, I also got sick in the last quarter of the year. Having tested positive to covid19 was shocking and I must admit that I was really scared.

2020 did also thought me a lot - I have to value myself more, value my work and stop settling for less. Ever since I started the blog ( and Instagram) I had a lot of partnerships, but I would like to refer now to NA-KD and SHEIN. Two brands that I really like, two brands that I actually buy so I never had promoted products that I didn't believe in... sadly, the people behind them weren't that nice; not all that were behind, of course, but the ones that I had lastly.
Even though with time I switched on working with brands that paid me ( so no barter basis anymore), I did have a few brands that I was holding dearest with whom I was still doing product exchange, the two brands included. So with NA-KD, they were always trying to tell me that my code wasn't used enough and my last conversation with their representative really went down south. She was telling me that I didn't had enough sales and I was trying to show her a receipt from a friend of mine that her alone bought a lot of stuff from them. She even refused to see the receipt, so at the end she decided to stop the collaboration. It's like the worst people have the nerve to be awfully rude.
With SHEIN it was basically the same thing. They were always trying to reduce the free products so at the end, I told them that they should respect my work ( because I do tend to give the best outcome possible), so instead of understanding the situation and everything, she decided to abruptly stop the collaboration. Just horrible... I find it horrible to have to work with people like these and TBH, I'm happy it's all over so now I can focus more on the collaborations with brands that actually respect my work, with whom I don't have any issues at all and with whom I LOVE to work.
I'm a straight forward person and I think that some people may feel offended by that, especially people that are looking to take advantage, so if you find yourself in a situation where your work is not respected or if you feel like you have been hurt by the brands/agencies you work with just remember this - there is always someone else !
Again, it's a pity for these two brands because I really like their products and I'm also a client, but ... it is what it is ! ;)
Wishing you an amazing day and I hope to be back soon with a brand new post !
