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The Dominican

Good morning everyone,

I hope your week has started well?

I know it has been a very long time since I've last updated the blog, but this morning I felt like it's time to share with you what has been going on lately.

After a heavy period of dealing with the fire aftermath which took me so much energy and time, I've found myself diving into a busy work period where I was able to do so many wonderful collabs, meet some amazing people and just piece together all that wasted time which was all but fruitful to me and my ongoing bills.

And on this occasion, I'd like to share with you some amazing pics from my latest work with The Dominican Brussels - an amazing hotel that is located in the heart of Europe's capital and for whom I'm now a proud ambassador !


On this occasion I would like to give a special thanks to Porsche Brussels for lending this amazing 718 Boxster cabrio - a perfect car for a perfect location.

The Dominican Summer Terrace is open all summer long and it has some exquisite servings such as fresh seafood, refreshing champagne & more. A perfect place to come and grab a drink, high tea, lunch or dinner.


I am thrilled to be partnering up with other fantastic brands like Lancaster, Colgate and maybe even Longchamp for the following months. Going to bring you more great content :)

In the meantime, I have sorted out some technical issues and working on others, to be able to properly function.

Enjoy your day !


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