I’d like to start today’s blogpost by giving my condolences to the families who had lost their dear ones in the horrible terrorist attack in Paris last night and also to encourage them and thus, everybody else to stand strong against the cowards of ISIS who prefer to stab innocent people in the back when less expected rather than fighting an honest battle in an open field. Here’s my message to you: you will never break us!
And now to come back at our usual “fashion program”. For today I have a really cool look that I actually wore yesterday afternoon in the city. I’m searching for a fitness mat because starting next week I want to try a new product along with a diet plan and a sports workout. I’m super excited and you’ll hear all about it later for sure :).
So, I tried on something new this time. I’ve matched my Meow sweater from Dresslink with an ols pair of green shorts, and here comes the “something new” , I’ve matched a pair of socks (from Tabbisocks )with my old Zara shoes and here’s what came out:

What I wore:
– Dresslink sweater ( find it here)
– Zara shorts
– Tabbisocks socks ( find them here)
– Forever21 bag
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