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Hello everyone,

Yes, SHAME on me that I let the time pass so much that I didn't write something on the blog... I was also on vacation for most of this time, but I also had some personal issues to take care of.

Nevertheless, I feel like it's so difficult sometimes to come back after I was away for so long. It's weird to explain, it's maybe because the little time I had to dedicate to social media, I have dedicated it all to Instagram as that's my main source of revenue. I know a lot of you follow me there as well and I do wanted to thank you for being with me on this journey that is actually my life :)

I'm planning to move forward with renovations as well; since the heatwave started and we also had our vacay, the renovations were at a stopping point, which is ok, considering that we already did so much ( it takes a whole lot more than it seems). But yeah, I'm pretty excited to move forward with this project as well as others ( and here I'd like to thank my two cousins who I'm currently training and briefing ...).

And now let's leave you to a little outfit post for all time's sake ;)









What I wore:

- Gant dress

- Zara mules

- Forever21 clutch bag

Well, I hope I'll be back with more soon

With all this heat, I try to stay as far away from the computer as possible .

Stay safe xo


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