Hi guys!
Well, looks like Sunday is here and we’re facing a new week ahead. I’m spending my last weeks as a 25 year old girl and it freaks me out how time passes. Before I know it I’ll be 30 and the thing is that in my head I’m still 15 lol.
Anyway, age doesn’t have to reflect style. You can be stylish at both 15 and 50 ! So, for today I have a cute look, featuring my ripped jeans from CNDirect, Bershka blouse and cardigan from Wholesalebuying. I’ve matched my Karen Millen booties and Poppy Lovers silver bag.
Here’s the result:
What I wore:
– Besrhka blouse
– CNDirect jeans ( find them here)
– Wholesalebuying cardigan ( find it here)
– Karen Millen booties
– Poppy Lovers bag ( their shop here)
So, what do you think about this look?
Would it be something you wear? 🙂