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Piece of Heaven

Hi, guys!

Sundays seem to pass so quick, don’t you think so? What have you been up to this weekend? 

For me Sundays mean relaxation most of the time, so I went on a lovely walk not to far from home and I’ve noticed this little corner of wild flowers all bloomed and I though that I must do today’s shoot there! My outfit was perfect for this environment, as my beautiful ensemble from has arrived on time to greet Summer. Well, technically, here in Belgium it is said that summer starts on the 21st of June, but it’s pretty warm outside so voilà. 🙂

In any case, just to know that I absolutely adore this outfit and the wine skirt is to-die-for!

What I wore:

LovelyWholesale top and skirt

Neuville bag

– LiuJo sandals

– Forever21 hat

Hope you like the look, guys!

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For Media requests:


Office: Rue Georges Moreau 92

1070 Anderlecht - appointment only ! 

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