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PersunMall Summer Giveaway

EN: Hi, guys! As you probably can figure out from the title, I’m hosting again a awesome summer Giveaway from PersunMall ! ^^ This time, the stakes are higher, as the prizes are totally bigger! Enter yourself to win one of these awesome items:

For winners (yes, that’s right, there can be more than 1, they will be allowed to choose one of the following items:

1. Wings Heart Cotton VestSKU: FCBI00155

3. High Low Chiffon SkirtSKU: FMCC0079

5. Stylish Color Contrast Two-Piece SuitSKU: FIBI0042    

6. Cow Color Cotton ShortsSKU: FJCE0040 

8. Irregular Net Chiffon DressSKU: FXBI00209

What you must do:

1. Register at 2. Like their Facebook page:

3. Like From Brussels, with Love on Facebook :

4. Leave a comment with the registered email and your name under the giveaway post 

They select one winner from every 60 participants, that means 1 winner out of 60, 2 winners out of 120, which means the more people take part in, the more winners there will be, so share the Giveaway as much as you can, guys! Winners will be announced on PersunMall Official Page and our Facebook Page on 19, July. PersunMall marketing team will contact winners by email, so be sure to check back then after you enter!


The special “Lucky Prize“(For all participants):Persunmall also prepared worth $100 gift card “lucky prize” for the randomly-selected lucky one, so everyone has the chance! Let’s start here! 

The effective time period of this giveaway: July 1, 2013 – July 15, 2013

So good luck to everyone !! ❤




Organizez un Giveaway ( concurs) la finalul caruia puteti castiga unul dintre aceste premii: (sunt si in poza de mai sus)

1. Wings Heart Cotton VestSKU: FCBI00155

3. High Low Chiffon SkirtSKU: FMCC0079

5. Stylish Color Contrast Two-Piece SuitSKU: FIBI0042    

6. Cow Color Cotton ShortsSKU: FJCE0040 

8. Irregular Net Chiffon DressSKU: FXBI00209

Ce trebuie sa faceti:

1. Sa va inregistrati la PersunMall aici:

2. Sa dati un Like la pagina lor de Facebook:

3. Sa dati un Like la pagina blogului:

4. Sa lasati un comentariu la acest post cu emailul utilizat la inregistrarea pe sitel PesunMall si numele vostru.

Pot fi mai multi castigatori si anume 1 castigator la fiecare 60 de participanti, 2 la fiecare 120, etc, asadar va recomand sa dati share la acest concurs ( de ex pe Facebook) ca sa fie cat mai multi castigatori :).

Castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe pagina oficiala PersunMall  si pe Facebook -ul lor pe data de 19 Iulie.  PersunMall va v-a contacta pe email daca va numarati printre castigatori, asadar va sfatuiesc sa verificati emailul pe data respectiva. 🙂

Concursul dureaza dupa 1 pana pe 15 Iulie 2013 


Mai este un premiu special ( pentru toti participantii):

PersunMall are un premiu special, un voucher in valoare de $100 de care v-a beneficia un norocos participant, ales la intamplare, bineinteles :).

Asadar,va urez multa bafta si nu uitati : cu cat sunt mai multi participanti, cu atat sunt mai multe sanse de a castiga, asadar, dati share la concurs!! ^^




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