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Perfect Pink

!Hello sweeties,

Hope you all had enjoyed my little article about eyewear that I’ve published this morning. As we’re having a dreadful rainy day here in Brussels, I thought it would be cool to share with you a lovely look that I shoot a couple of days ago, while I was passing a nice afternoon in a park near city center.I’m not a big fan of parks, but this one is really cool and it has very nice sidewalks. 🙂

I was wearing my cute TOMTOP dress and TOMTOP crossbody bag, all in different shades of pink from head to toe. So it’s really a girly outfit hihi. Hope you like it ! 

What I wore:

– TOMTOP dress ( find it here)

– Mango sandals

– Zara sunnies

– TOMTOP cross-body bag with wallet inside ( find them here)

So, how do you like the look ? 😀

Can’t wait to read all your comments tonight ❤





For Media requests:


Office: Rue Georges Moreau 92

1070 Anderlecht - appointment only ! 

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