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Make-up, make me up !

Hello, guys ! As promised here is a little post on my new purchased make-up

As you know, you must always clean your face before applying your make-up ! So I’ve got this super make-up remover witch also hydrates very well the skin, having these emollient ingredients! So, after that I use a face cream. I like now VALMONT , it’s a Swiss mark and I find it being very good. Next, I apply something I’ve been wanting for a while now – the Guerlain illuminating make-up base witch works on météorites perles. It’s so great, it really diffuses all the light, giving a fabulous shine to your face! After this I applied for my eyes a Instant Light Correction Pen by Givenchy.Now I’m noticing that I didn’t catch everything in the picture, but if you do want to see them all, just tell me and I’ll immediately update my post. So, I add to this Inivisible Skin-Fusion Foundation by Guerlain and powder also by Guerlain to finish! As for my eyes, I have this lovely palette from Guerlain that is just awsome! I don’t like putting enormous quantities of make-up on my eyes or really flashy ones! For mascara I just adore Helena Rubinstein..I tried all the mascaras and nothing seemed to replace the nice effect that one does! For my lips I have a Estée Lauder lipstick on witch I apply a little gloss.

Don’t have a really good camera..I have done what I can. The result is much more great ! So I hope you enjoyed my little post and see ya tomorrow !



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1070 Anderlecht - appointment only ! 

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