Hi guys,
We are officially ending another week. Summer is close, the weather is slightly better ( well, it’s raining here in Brussels, but it’s not very cold) and although most of you are planning vacations and everything, seems like this year will be just work-work-work for me. 🙂
I don’t really mind actually cause I’ll always have a monthly pause in Romania, so that will be ok. Maybe an awesome vacation for Christmas ? Who knows…
I bet you’re all excited to check out today’s look…well, here it is! A lovely comfy outfit, with my TOMTOP dress which is amazing for this season, very light and cool, my oldies but goodies Zara boots and a fringe bag I had for a while now.
What I wore:
– TOMTOP dress ( find it here)
– Zara boots, hat and sunnies
– Men at Work fringed tassel
How do you find the look? Is it something you’d wear?
Can’t wait to read all your comments ❤
Thank you for visiting my blog ❤