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Good morning, Monday !

Hi sweeties,

The new week is here and since I had some problems sleeping last night, I woke up only awhile ago.

What better way to start the day than having a great breakfast ?

Besides my usual scramble egg and avocado and ricotta toast, I’m trying today adding a little extra flavor. I’ve recently stumbled upon a new product from Dindesse, namely the long bacon pieces that are perfect to add to your breakfast ! They can be fried or you can eat them as they are, smoked. I was  skeptical at first because, as you already know, I’m very pretentious with my food and I don’t eat just anything. To my surprise, the taste was fantastic; truly fantastic ! 

The recipe itself isn’t very hard to accomplish. In the morning, I don’t have time to do more posh things, but you can find quite a lot of good recipes on the Dindesse website that I’m also eager to try ! 

As for now, you can gaze your eyes on my very own breakfast for today 🙂

Wishing you a fab Monday and “see” you soon!  xo





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1070 Anderlecht - appointment only ! 

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