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Damaris Lingerie Christmas Competition


Hello, sweeties!

I’m still here in Cape Verde and enjoying the excellent weather, but I’m still thinking of you guys, so I’d like to bring you a new contest. I do want to mention that I’ve directly contacted the winner from the last Giveaway and not post it online, so their email address or any other personal details will not be made public. I believe it’s the right thing to do, don’t you agree?

Now back to our contest.

 I know you ladies like lingerie and being a Scorpio, I admit that I’m a BIG FAN! So, I decided to host a Giveaway for Damaris lingerie, an online specialized boutique in this area. 🙂

This is the chance for you to win £1,000 worth of Damaris lingerie by entering their Social Media competition from the 1st of December to the 20th of December (in time for Christmas).

 Now for the RULES: In order to enter you must comment on this blog post what social media channel/s you are using to enter the Damaris competition and enter via Facebook, Twitter or/and Instagram – The more Social Media channels you enter with, the more chances you will have to win. · Follow (like) Damaris (Mimi-Holliday) and share something you like on your timeline from the Damaris page:

· Follow and tweet: ‘@TheMimiHolliday I have entered the competition #MimiKissmas’   · Follow Damaris (mimiholliday) and Regram something you like from the Damaris Instagram

Only one entry per channel will be counted per person. Spammers or entries with robots will be disqualified.  Damaris will choose at random one entry as the winner of £1,000 worth of Damaris lingerie on the 20th of December from all their Social Media entries. Damaris will also choose a further 5 runner-ups for £100 worth of Damaris lingerie.  The winners will be notified on the 20th of December. It is up to the winners to reply with their wish list straight away so the items get delivered on time for Christmas. (Please note no liability will be accepted if there are some postal delays and the prizes are not on time for the 24th of December 2013). Terms and conditions can be found on PS – For your information, Damaris will also be offering from the 1st of December until the 24th of December free delivery worldwide with purchases over £120 and a promotion to get £100 free when you spend £300 or more in one transaction.

Sounds cool, right? 🙂Now GO AND ENTERGOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! ^^




For Media requests:


Office: Rue Georges Moreau 92

1070 Anderlecht - appointment only ! 

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