Hey, guys! So first of all I’m so happy that I’ve been featured on a great fashion site http://trendsvip.com/inspirational-style-ruxandra-ioana-from-brussels-with-love/ The article is so great! Scarlett is such a inspiring person ..she writes from her heart and it left me simply speechless today when I saw the site. Anyways, here is my outfit of the day – I’m so happy that I finally got a new camera ,especially since I’ll be parting soon on my trip. The other camera is not fixed yet, but as soon as it will be fixed, I’m gonna sell it with all its gear. So here is the outfit of the day, something casual ..a perfect look for street style might I add!

What I wore:
– H&M blazer
– F21 corset
– H&M bra
– Zara heels
– Pull & Bear clutch
So I hope you enjoyed my post and don’t forget to check out great deals on my page 🙂 Kisses R.