Good morning everyone,
I know I have been a bit MIA these last few days, but amongst other things, I had the pleasure to be a part of something quite amazing – the 60th anniversary of Yves Rocher. On this occasion we did a little press trip in France, to discover more about the brand right at its source – La Gacilly, the hometown of Yves Rocher.
Our first stop was Paris though, as the trip is quite long. We had the opportunity to stay one night in the city of lights which I must say, was lovely !
After settling in at the hotel, we went out in a cute little restaurant called Marcelle where we also did a flower tasting workshop, discovered some nice products from Yves Rocher and enjoyed awesome cocktails & food.
The morning after was quite difficult, as we woke up very early to catch the train to Rennes and from there we took another bus to the site of our first event that day – a boat ride (and/or a bike ride) and a nice lunch somewhere close to the Yves Rocher resort.
I got to drive the boat by myself and I can tell you that it was really fun ! 😀

La Grée Des Landes Yves Rocher Eco Hôtel Spa Bretagne is a wonderful resort meant to make you relax, forget about your daily rush and just enjoy the union with nature.
That evening we also enjoyed a cocktail with live music and a great dinner at their restaurant.

The next day, we discovered more about the brand Yves Rocher and the man himself, while visiting the Maison Yves Rocher. I didn’t know that much and the visit was very educational and alluring. The presentation mode was amazing and it’s definitely a must see if you’re in the area.
60 years ago, Yves Rocher created his brand with the soul purpose to make skincare products affordable to all women, but always keeping a deep respect for nature and its elements. Thus, today, they’re products are almost 88% vegan ( except for honey and beeswax), the products are not tested on animals and they also have a lot of plant based ingredients that they grow on biological fields, on average, 85% of their products contain natural ingredients.
The brand has also the Yves Rocher foundation, but that’s something I’ll speak about in a different article as I wouldn’t want to spill all the beans just yet and I don’t want to put that many info in just one post. 🙂
The rest of the afternoon we spent it in doing different workshops and afterwards we took the train to Paris and then back home in Brussels.

For me personally, it was an amazing experience in the way that it nourished my thrist for knowledge and I came home from this trip more cultivated and more aware of the brand’s values.

I really hope you enjoyed my little article and don’t forget to subscribe for more.