Hi, guys!
Hope you’re having a sunny day like I am. The holidays seem to pass so quick. It feels like I just arrived yesterday and the fact that I have to return to cloudy Brussels tomorrow doesn’t feel so good. But hey, I’m glad I came in the first place and I reconcile with the thought that the sales period is just around the corner. I just can’t wait to take advantage of all the great deals to come.
Until then, I leave you with some pics of my awesome Triangl swimsuit that I had instored for this vacation… one of the swimsuits nevertheless 🙂

What I wore:
– Triangl swimsuit ( find it here)
I know that I don’t have the most beautiful bust in the Univers, but I want as well to show women everywhere that they must be proud of their body, no matter their cup size 😉
Hope you like the swimsuit. I must add that it’s made from neoprene so it’s a quality piece for the summer.