Or in other words, how to make your wallet “survive” on the Sales period…
Hi, loves! If you know the next thing about me, than it’s more than obvious I’m kinda of a shopaholic. Not the one that starts shaking when she sees the new collection in stores, but the one that starts shaking when she doesn’t find her shoe size while shopping in Sales. That’s right, we’ve all been through that annoying feeling when searching your shoe size or even clothing size while browsing on “goodie goodie, discount department”. So, now being that month of the year, I would totally love to share with you some tips on how to smart shop during the Sales period.

First of all, clean your closet. Yes, you heard me right, go into your big (or small) closet and through all your shoes, new ones and old ones, the ones for summer or those boots and booties you’ve been wearing at winter time. I bet that, if you are like me, you have dozen of clothes that you didn’t wear or that you didn’t wear that much. That meaning that you filled up space with likely unnecessary items or you really care for some of them and keep them for special occasions. Either way, you have to do some browsing through your stuff and see what you really need. Like me, I need myself a pair of good old black jeans, cause the one I have are really “tired” and need “retiring”. That means that another closet sale is in order for the months to come ( but we’ll talk about that in another post).
Ok, so good with the closet cleaning? Great, than let’s go down to number two. So, yeah, you do that list with all the necessary items you MUST buy at this Sale. Sure, there’s gonna be a few extra items cause sometimes you find incredible pieces that are really worth buying! But just a few… don’t go buying like crazy stuff you will probably never wear just because “they were at a good price”.

And if you really want to “smart shop”, you can visualize some outfits or get some inspiration online from bloggers or even fashion sites like Vogue, and take pictures with you. That way you won’t be caught into the “sevrage ” of tons of “great deals”.
If there’s one thing I hate during the sales is not finding my size, so from now on I thought to myself that in the minute I wake up and it’s the Sales period, I go online and order the things I like and if I’m lucky, to find them at the size I want, cause going into that enormous crowd downtown with all those screaming babies ( yes, madams, why do you bring your new borns to drag them around in all that dust and all those people? Do you find it that satisfying to ruin your day as well as the day of other shoppers? I mean come on…), and not finding what I’m looking for is not really my thing..
So yeah, we really have to learn how to smart shop and not bringing home a pile of clothes that we will probably never wear…
I think that’s all for today, guys. Just trying to make a point 🙂