Good morning everyone,
Hope you had an amazing weekend. I was willing to be back yesterday with this particular outfit post, but due to some last minute changes I couldn’t. I got home very late and I was happy to still have the energy to take a bath and wash my hair…Yup, yesterday was very eventful and even though the day has started on a bad note, in a way, it was constructive confirming me that there are a lot of bad people out there and I for one really hate to mix myself with these kind of individuals that have as their seul goal to judge you, make nasty comments about you, your job without even knowing you. My advice is to surround yourself with people who mean you well. Even if you’re not a good judge of character, don’t worry, oil and water never mix and when the time comes, you’ll know !
Anyway, I’m back with this super awesome outfit that I really adore ! Yes, I am very proud of this look and I hope you’ll find it as beautiful as I do. Scroll down for more info on what I’m wearing 😉

What I wore:
Eager to read all about your thoughts on this outfit 🙂
Wishing you a perfect Monday and a great week xo