Hi, guys!
Hope you liked my last article on dresses… Now I’m back with my normal outfit of the day, as it’s been a while since I’ve done such a post. I was very busy these days and still am actually. Wednesday is the departure date and I can’t say I’m to happy, but I’m not very sad either :)… I really can’t explain.. women, right?
So, here’s something I wore actually yesterday, but I didn’t had time to post it. The braid is soooo easy to do, I learned it from Dulce Candy, one of my favorite fashion/beauty bloggers. She actually got me started on blogging. ( see video here).
Hope you guys like the outfit. It’s quite simple and casual.

What I wore:
– Zara sweater
– Guess jeans
– Zara heels
– Bershka bag
– Udobuy necklace
Gotta get back to packing now 🙂 Kisses, R.