Hello, loves!
I hope you enjoyed my earlier post from today. It was really fun seeing 50 cent in person, but now I must return at my main “domain”, namely Fashion !
I have a new outfit for today that I’d like to share with you, guys. Found my DIY fringe top in my closet, so I thought I’d “build” an outfit around it. I miss doing DIYs.. I should take a day off and do something similar.. it relaxes me.. 🙂
But anyhow, here you have my outfit for today and normally the groove of the day is influenced by last night’s party! hehe 🙂
Groove of the day:
What I wore:
– Zara ankle boots
– Zara leggings
– Zara blazer
– DIY top
So, I hope you liked today’s outfit and don’t forget to check out my closet! ( I know that I said that I’ll update it, but I just can’t find the time :(. Also, join me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to be sure that you’ll be the first to have exclusive updates, fashion finds, news.. 🙂