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Nose rings. Then and Now


Hello, my sweeties!

I’m very glad that Spring is finally here and although I don’t have much time for myself, I enjoy almost every day my three hours pause in the afternoon. But before my usual outfit of the day post, I thought today I’d do a special one about celebs and their nose rings. Through out time, we can clearly state that our beloved stars have revolutionized and set new trends. If now all people are going crazy over tattoos, 10 years ago one of the famous trends were piercings.

Belly piercings, eyebrow or nose, you have to admit that everyone was into this trend. I remember that almost all of my friends had one done. Even though I wasn’t that interested in doing one myself, I admired their courage and thought it looked quite good.

It was naturally that after seeing cool celebrities like Pink, Scarlett Johansson, Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera, each and every one wanted to have an awesome nose ring! Just look at how these girls rocked theirs

Even now Pink still has her nose ring, as well as Miley Cyrus and I see that “new-commer” Kat Graham had hers done not to long ago.

As you can see, pricing your nose isn’t a dead trend. In fact I think it’s growing next to tattoos and most people still find it very attractive, even if sometimes is for a little period of time.

I wanted to make some suggestions on this subject, so I browsed the web in order to find some wonderful nose rings. I saw that over Body Candy Body Jewelry they have some awesome ones, even 14k gold to be precise; these ones can be found here.

I believe you are all familiar with the brand Claire’s. They also have some beautiful nose rings that are worth checking out, just click here. Body Jewelry Factory also has a wide variety as well; they can be found here. And last, but not least, Fresh Trends has to offer some pretty cool nose rings, my favorite one being this diamond colored stoned one .

So, what do you think of this trend? Do you like it?

That’s all for now, friends!

Have yourselves a wonderful day!






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