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How to wear a pattern suit

Hi everyone,

Yup, I'm an early bird today (actually I'm an early bird all day everyday, but today especially). I have a very long and busy week and I want to make sure I have the time to do everything throughly !

I also have an outfit post for you as I know it has been awhile since I did one. I don't know if you follow me on Instagram, but I posted this look some days ago and it was a huge success so I wanted to share with you more pics so you have an idea how to wear this type of two piece suit. Obviously, you can limit yourself on wearing just the pants or just the blazer in an outfit if you feel it's too much for you, but still, I think it looks super cute together and I accessorised it with both heels ( in my Instagram post), but I shown in my stories how to wear it with sneakers as well. I always try to follow a simple line when it comes to styling this type of pattern. Like for instance here, if I went for black accessories ( so shoes, bag, etc), I don't think the outcome would have been so good.









What I wore:

- Joseph Ribkoff blazer and pants

- Joseph Ribkoff blouse

- Jimmy Choo Helix pumps

- Botkier bag

The outfit looks good with white sneakers as well and I can say that it's really comfy :)

Thank you so much for checking the blog and I wish you all a perfect Tuesday !


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