Hi, sweeties!
I have well arrived here in Palma at my best friend. I was so exhausted yesterday that I didn’t had the chance to post anything on my social networks. 🙂
I didn’t shoot anything yet here, meaning an outfit to share with you guys on what I would wear on a summer vacation, but I would like to show you what I wore in a late afternoon in Brussels, during a date. I prefer sometimes to really go elegant when going to a date, and seing that it was a late afternoon, I didn’t go elegant all the way, so a maxi dress has really done the trick to accomplish the look I had in mind. This chiffon dress from LovelyWholesale is super cute and it has such a beautiful flow to it.

What I wore:
– LovelyWholesale dress ( find it here)
– Zara clutch and sandals
– Wholesale Celebshades sunnies
I must leave you now, have a million things to do, a million places to see 😀
Have a wonderful day!