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Hi guys,

How are you today ? Hope your week is going well and all 🙂

I had a lot of remarks (good ones of course), on how my body is holding up and especially the area beneath the bust… now it has been over 1 year and a half since I last hit the gym ( to my shame) and now, at almost 30, you can see a difference, even more when I’m not following any specific diet. Now I’m not telling you to give up on sports! God knows how much I would love to have some spare time on my hands and stop making up excuses and just go already 🙂 – I really do hope I will be able to resume gym this Fall.

Nevertheless, the endospheres treatment that I’ve been doing at Ayanna Beyond Beauty center has done wonders for my legs and posterior. That is a result I knew I would have as it is not the first time I follow this treatment.


But today’s article will not yet again be about endospheres, no, it will be about another treatment that’s available at the center, namely cryo ! You probably heard about cryo before and some of you maybe used it already. Now before anything, you must understand that there are two types of cryo, the medicinal one (which is more expensive and hurts& bruises like hell), or the one that Ayanna Beyond Beauty center is proposing, the one in a massage form, less expensive than the medicinal one, less harming to your skin… The medicinal one seems to have a more instant effect, but I would prefer going a couple of times and do the massage one as it’s quite comfortable and pleasant.

What exactly does it do ? How does it work?

Adipose fat cells are more sensitive to cold than the surrounding area so when cooled they undergo a process of slow and gradual spontaneous emptying, called  “apoptosis” (programmed cell death).  The lipids elimination from the human body happens through the liver, the gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system, during 15-20 days.


Furthermore, the cooling of the deep dermis stimulates the action of the fibroblasts by increasing the reproductive synthesis of new fibers of collagen and elastin, with an evident increase of dermal density and progressive skin firming.


Cryo is used not just for the body, but for the face as well  ! It has great results in tissue firming, wrinkles reduction, double chin reduction, it’s used as a premature aging treatment, erythrosis rosacea and rosacea treatment.

Of course, for the body, it’s known as decreasing the number of fat cells, eliminates localized celulite, it’s great for skin toning, sliming and reshaping, improvement of body circulation and also lymphatic and venous drainage.

Personally, I only did it once, but it was quite nice and the skin was super smooth afterwards. I was a tad nervous as I don’t bare the cold that well, but honestly, I didn’t even feel it. It’s a pleasant sensation, especially in the summer time!

I will possibly try to do an A to Z treatment so I can have a better take on the subject, to come up with more data for you, but until then, you can always contact the center for more information and price range.

Ayanna Beyond Beauty center

Rue Marianne 2, Uccle, Brussels, Belgium

Phone nr: +32478081230

P.S. I’m really super curious as well for the lips volumizing treatment  !




For Media requests:


Office: Rue Georges Moreau 92

1070 Anderlecht - appointment only ! 

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