Hi, guys!
Oh, gosh, it has been a really long day, actually, to think about it, it has been a really long week. I’ve completely neglected my house, which btw looks like a battle field, but instead of soldiers, imagine clothes and shoes. Thing is nobody won, so they’re all over the place! 🙂
The good part is that I’m following my dream, step by step. I’m now part of a brilliant team that will literally revolutionise fashion photography here in Brussels and I have the stylist’s role. For me that’s pretty awesome. That means I must be doing something right, no?
Back to our fashionable part of today’s story, I’m going to share with you guys an outfit that I wore in a windy day that was practically impossible to shoot, but I still did it anyway. I just couldn’t help myself of not shooting this chic casual outfit featuring my baroque shirt from Mr.GUGU& Miss GO’s Gold collection.The worse part? I had to pay a price though: my shirt was so wrinkled by all the weather drama, so you must excuse me. 🙂

What I wore:
– Bershka jeans
– Mr.GUGU& Miss GO shirt ( find it here)
– Texto shoes
– Mango jacket
– Springfield bag
Being so late in the evening, I can only wish you a wonderful night and sleep tight!
My eyes are shutting and I still have some things to do around the house. 🙂
Hope you like the outfit, guys. It has a more practical approach, something you could wear everyday.