Hey guys!
I know it has been a while (well more than a while) since I did my trip in Egypt, but today I just felt like sharing a little more of my days spent in this magical country! I visited somewhere in August this year and I stood for about 8 days.
I must admit that it was my first time outside Europe and I wasn’t disappointed at all. I arrived at night in this neat town called Hurghada, so I didn’t see much the surroundings. But when I woke up I had this amazing view from my room.

Sultan Bay Hotel
The weather is so hot, but although it’s hotter the Cyprus, for instance, you don’t sweat cause the air is so dry! The first day I spent there, I just stood at the hotel mostly and just went a little in the town, but not far… I don’t like to wander off in a country with rules so strict and everything. Plus that you barely make it across the long streets full of salesmen that try to sell you everything in their store. I guess they have this idea that if you European or American, you’re full of money!

And now I’ll just show you a couple of pics of my visits I did in Egypt during my stay ^^

A little shoot of me right next to the Valley of the Kings
( they don’t let you take photos after you cross the gates)

Me at Deir el-Bahari temple wearing a light dress made of flax (which I totally recommend for hot days) and MiuMiu flats with a Reserved bag

The beautiful Red Sea and City of Cairo
There are many wonderful things from the Valley of The Kings, life and culture from cities like Hurgada and Cairo, the Pyramids and Sphinx, alabaster, papyrus and perfume fabrics, cruises on the Red Sea and Nil, etc.. And I just love it!
Here are some photos 🙂

I just posted some of the many pics I took in Egypt. If you have any questions at all, just post a comment and I’ll get back to you. Until tomorrow I wish you well and if you like my blog, you can follow it via GFC ^^